Sunday, June 7, 2020

[Music, Review] Goodbye by Durand & Norad

Artists: Durand & Norad
Genre: Rap / Hip Hop
Playtime: approx. 24 Minutes
Available at: iTunes
Released: June 2, 2020

[Book, Review] Cult of the Gator God

Author: Paul Lubaczewski
Publisher: 50/50 Press LLC
Genre: Eco-Thriller / Horror / Dark Comedy
Pages: 259
Available: Amazon

Price: 3,99 $ (eBook)
Released: April 25, 2020


In this modern world, you have to be ready to move for work, and Bob Carey thought he was able to live anywhere. At least until he met Florida that is, which it turns out is a lot more than Miami and Disney. Now thanks to an untimely flaming boat-related death and some office politics he finds himself in Jacksonville tasked with making a new life. The young environmental lawyer has a lot to learn about his new town, and the new people in his life like his oddball researcher Steve, his new girlfriend Sarah and most of all his new clients. What he finds will make him realize that the Florida Man headlines he used to enjoy don't explain even a portion of how weird the Sunshine State can truly be.