Thursday, March 19, 2020

[Book, Review] Allison

Author: Jeff Strand
Publisher: /
Genre: Horror / Comedy
Pages: 225
Available: Amazon

Price: 2,99 $ (eBook)
Released: March 15, 2020


Allison can break your bones with her mind, and she can't control her power. 

Now forty-five years old, she's spent her life trying to stay away from other people. But a random encounter with a couple on the street leaves her believing that she may have done something horrible. Something unforgivable. 

Killer-for-hire Daxton and his girlfriend Maggie know the truth. Instead of easing Allison's anguish, they come up with a cruel plan to take advantage of it. But with Allison's abilities exposed, there may be a grisly body count very soon...

Ray's thoughts:

After a brief and intense introduction to our animal loving, telekinetic and lonesome protagonist Allison, you will undoubtedly root for her throughout the whole adventure, no matter what she is up to. Daxton and his fellow criminals are downright dickbags, void of any morals, but I caught myself feeling sorry for them later on. To put it briefly, most of the appearing characters are each charming in their own way and the occuring dialogues are oftentimes truly hilarious.

In these 200+ pages you will wade through tons of gore (mostly presented through broken bones) with the tongue-in-cheek style of the author delivering enough humorous breaks from all the bone shattering. The subplots build the foundation on which the actual plot rests upon. In my humble opinion, Mr. Strand perfectly paced the story showcasing Allison's growth as a person throughout the whole ordeal while she is dealing with a bunch of criminals, keeping an old cat save and finding true love along the way. 


It's written by Jeff Strand, so I had to check it out immediatly and I was not disappointed at all. The author once again manages to combine a bone and nerve wrecking adventure with enough cheekiness to make you giggle while people get their lives taken. Allison is definitely a worthy addition to his ever expanding catalogue and I gladly recommend it to every fan of his works and everyone else who loves hilariously over-the-top horror stories. 

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